CCHS Theatre 2 students visit Port Republic school to perform The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Two narrators attempt to recreate all 209 of the fairy tales in a wild fast-paced extravaganza and to make it more difficult, they attempt to combine them into one gigantic fable.
over 1 year ago, Absegami HS
CCHS Theatre 2 students visit Port Republic school to perform The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon. Two narrators attempt to recreate all 209 of the fairy tales in a wild fast-paced extravaganza and to make it more difficult, they attempt to combine them into one gigantic fable.
over 1 year ago, Absegami HS
Environmental students are at the ACUA today!
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek High School
Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Valedictorian, Phoebe Kershenblatt (with her counselor Ms Londono)
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek High School
Student Council is ready for Spring Creek Week next week 3/27-3/31. Show your spirit. Earn plank points. Be a legend.
over 1 year ago, Andrea Kuhar
spring creek week flyer
Congratulations Silvana Torres who earned a scholarship to row at Villanova University.
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek High School
REMINDER: The GEHRHSD has a "breakfast after the bell program" from 7:25am - 8:25am. During this time, ALL students can get a FREE grab-and-go breakfast from one of our breakfast carts and eat it in zero period! Or they can receive the same offerings in the cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, Absegami HS
This week's Freshman Friday is recognizing Brady Houck! "Mrs. Leichnam and I would like to nominate Brady Houck. He is polite, smart, and funny. Brady is always engaged during class discussions and volunteers to share his ideas. He is a pleasure to have in class! " - Mrs. Leichtnam & Mrs. McDermott Congratulations to Brady! Keep up the great work. #cchs2026
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
Freshman Friday CCHS
Cedar Creek took a trip to see Wicked - look out for Pirates in NYC
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
Pirates in Time Square
Pizza anyone?
Pizza anyone?
Ready for Wicked
Cedar Creek Girls Lacrosse took a trip to see the Stockton Women's Lacrosse team take on New Paltz. Not only did them win but we got to see our very own Cedar Creek Alum Abby Winterbottom play! #goospreys #gopirates
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
CCHS Girls lacrosse team under tent
Cedar Creek Band having a great day at Rowan performing and workshopping with adjudicators
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
Cedar Creek HS Band performing at Rowan
Cedar Creek HS Band performing at Rowan
Adjudicator from William Patterson working with the Band
Professional comic book artist Bob Petrecca visited our Cedar Creek art class today to talk about life as a professional artist and his experiences working with Marvel and DC Comics. Each student left the presentation with a signed print! Thank you Bob!!!
over 1 year ago, Erin Hoban
Cedar Creek Select Choir at Stockton Choral Day sounded fantastic!
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
Cedar Creek Select Choir at Stockton Choral Day
Cedar Creek Select Choir at Stockton Choral Day
Honors Biology does chromatography. #iheartthemart
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
Matt G
Ms Sharpe and Haddock's Honors Marine and Wildlife classes had a field trip to Stockton. The field trip included a tour of the science building , tapping maple trees and a lesson on forestry.
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
Stockton trip
Stockton trip
Stockton trip
As students wrapped up their Biome unit in Ms. Miller's ENV1 class, they all created dioramas to showcase their knowledge on the biome they chose. They definitely created some amazing projects!
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
This week's Freshman Friday is recognizing Alayla Nelson! "Alayla Nelson should absolutely be on our Freshmen spotlight! In Media and English, Alayla rises to every challenge with focus and creativity. She has been an outstanding student in both Media and English this year, in addition to being a student council officer and a talented athlete! Alayla shines in all of her Media projects. We are so lucky to have Alayla here at Cedar Creek, and I can't wait to see all she will do here and beyond!" -Mrs. Kuhar Congratulations and way to go, Alayla! #cchs2026
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
As students wrapped up their Biome unit in Ms. Miller's ENV1 class, they all created dioramas to showcase their knowledge on the biome they chose. They definitely created some amazing projects!
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek HS
REMINDER: Tomorrow, Friday - March 10th, is a shortened day for students and there is NO ZERO PERIOD. Homeroom begins at 7:40am!
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek High School
No Zero
Congratulations to Kileen McNeill on her commitment to @FollowStevens @cchs_sports
over 1 year ago, Cedar Creek High School